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ISMA Classics Committee Report 2011 - 2012

It is often hard to define an era until after some time has passed, and much easier to recount the events of a decade or so. Below are a few of my thoughts on what has passed and where I think the Classics are right now. Read the report!

6mr 19.7.2012

Siirry sivun alkuun

Ranking 2024

1. FIN 80Astrée III
2. FIN 77Antje
3. FIN 49Sara af Hangö
4. FIN 23Merenneito II
5. FIN 51May Be VI
6. GER 68Lillevi
7. FIN 43Wire
8. FIN 74Lisbeth V
8. FIN 39Jolanda
8. L35Elinore
11. FIN 63Boree II
12. FIN 44TOY
13. FIN 38Mariana
14. FIN 66Bambi
15. FIN 61Silene III
16. FIN 64Emzia
17. FIN 22Merenneito
18 FIN 19Puckie

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