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Luokkasääntöön päätettiin kansallinen poikkeama koskien lattapituuksia


1. Introduction
In 2015 FINSMA made a proposal to change the class rule of classic 6mR. Reducing the generous allowed roach would have improved the heavy weather capabilities, though emphasis was in reducing the cost of maintaining of boats in competitive condition. This proposal was not accepted at ISMA AGM in Brunnen 2016. A classic 6mR is expensive to maintain due to its historical construction and the cost of hi-tec sails allowed. This restricts the number of boats racing. The spring 2017 meeting of FINSMA proposed to allow longer battens to lengthen life of mainsails. This change would only be applied in national regattas.


2. Proposed rule
§14 Would read as follows:

Upper batten: Not restricted in length

Other battens: 1500mm

The restriction of batten lengths is not applied in national regattas in Finland. The length of any batten is not limited.
The battens in a sail shall divide the after leech into approximately equal parts.

3. Justification
The allowed roach has been increased some time ago in class rule without allowing longer battens accordingly. Classic sixes have typically longer booms than newer designs and the roach is defined proportional to mainsail foot. As a result the mainsails always wear out by creating creases in the middle of the sail. In practice the Finnish fleet consists completely of Classic sixes. On the other hand experience and VPP-programs used in ORCi show no noticeable performance advance of the longer battens. Allowing longer battens would increase the usable lifespan of mainsails thus having a clear effect of keeping the costs at an affordable level to more owners. A racing mainsail is the most expensive single piece of the equipment of a 6mR, especially regarding there are no restrictions in its material or techniques.

Siirry sivun alkuun

Ranking 2024

1. FIN 80Astrée III
2. FIN 77Antje
3. FIN 49Sara af Hangö
4. FIN 23Merenneito II
5. FIN 51May Be VI
6. GER 68Lillevi
7. FIN 43Wire
8. FIN 74Lisbeth V
8. FIN 39Jolanda
8. L35Elinore
11. FIN 63Boree II
12. FIN 44TOY
13. FIN 38Mariana
14. FIN 66Bambi
15. FIN 61Silene III
16. FIN 64Emzia
17. FIN 22Merenneito
18 FIN 19Puckie

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